Friday, February 9, 2024

Let's switch things up!

   Starting my portfolio project...

  At this point in the year, the time comes when I am transitioning my blog posts to be centered on the processes of producing my film opening for the Cambridge exam. My previous blog posts consisted of research on topics such as genre and representation, or reviewing the production process of other projects, such as the Music Marketing Project or my Soundscape project.

My initial feelings on this project is that it will be a large project that I am afraid to start, as I know that not only is it half of the AICE exam for Media Studies AS level, but more so that I have to create an original production with such a large amount of freedom, in a large period of time. But, I do feel excited to get to work on such a creative production, because such a feeling of liberty in choosing to do exactly what I want in a project does not come often in high school.

While I do not have a clear idea of what I want to create in this production, my research on different approaches for a film opening does help to narrow down what I want to establish in this project. I will include my notes below.

The first approach for creating a film opening that calls my attention is that of establishing a character. In this kind of film opening, the main goal is to introduce and develop a character. Mise-en-scene, dialogue, and character interactions are commonly used to create this kind of film opening. For example, mise-en-scene elements such as makeup and costume design can help the audience infer the character's age and profession. Dialogue and character interactions, on the other hand, may allow the audience to see the character's personality.

Another approach to creating a film opening that interests me is that of creating mystery. By building mystery in a film opening, it can attract the viewers' attention and intrigue them to continue watching the film. Film openings that aim to create mystery commonly focus on three things: using sound techniques, mise-en-scene, and posing a question. By using these, techniques, a film opening can build suspense and can engage its audience.


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